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Monday, April 9, 2018

World Heritage Site up for discussion

Alison Powell, Associate Technical Director at Arcadis, will address the next meeting of the Civic Society at 7.30 on 18th April, at Seion Chapel Vestry. Entry next to former Nat West bank.

She wants to discuss the future of the Pontcysyllte World Heritage Site with local interested parties.

If you want to hear what is proposed and make your views for the future known, you are welcome to attend.

The Civic Society Award for 2017 will also be presented at that meeting.  The recipients will be Llangollen Silver Band, for “service to the community”.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Operatic get ready to stage My Fair Lady

* Fellow cast members drag reluctant dustman
Alfie Doolittle, played by Bill Hughes, second from right, out of the pub.

It's now just over a week until the curtain goes up on the latest show from Llangollen Operatic Society.

Fresh from their recent successes with Sister Act, the Producers and 9-5, a cast of almost 40 will present one of the most popular musicals of all time, My Fair Lady, on the Town Hall stage from Tuesday-Saturday, April 17-21.

And, according to producer Helen Belton, they can’t wait to tackle the Lerner and Loewe masterpiece based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion.
She said: “The story concerns Eliza Doolittle, a cockney flower girl who takes speech lessons from Professor Henry Higgins, a phoneticist, so that she can pass as a lady.
“The original Broadway and London shows memorably starred Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews but we’ve also got some exceptional performers waiting in the wings.  

“Eliza is played by talented Llangollen Operatic newcomer Esme Sallnow while two of our most experienced members, Christopher Sims and John Clifford, take the parts of Higgins and Colonel Pickering respectively. Alison Ravenscroft, who has also appeared in many of our past productions, is Higgins’ housekeeper, Mrs Pearce.”
* Key cast members line up for a picture session in the park.

Helen added: “The society last performed My Fair Lady around 30 years ago and a few of the people who were in it then are also in the new production.
“Back in the 80s the show proved a massive success for us and we’re aiming for a similar audience response this time.”

Musical director for the show is Leigh Mason and artistic director is Joanne Lloyd.
My Fair Lady is on at 7.30pm each evening of the run and there’s also a 2pm matinee on the Saturday.

Tickets, at £12 and £10 concessions, are available from Bailey’s, Gwyn the Butcher and Jades in Llangollen town centre as well as by phoning Stella Bond on 01978 860441 or by going online at: (fee applies). 

* "I'm getting married in the morning" ... but not if Doolittle can help it.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Tidy Town Team readies site of Centenary Square

* Tidy Town members uproot a yew hedge at what will become Centenary Square.

Members of Llangollen Tidy Town Team were hard at work this morning (Friday) preparing the ground for work to start soon on the creation of the new Centenary Square at what has been the Royal Gardens.

They were removing a yew hedge from the site which will be replanted on an area of land between the station and the cemetery.

They were also taking up a number of rose bushes which will be put temporarily in pots outside the RAFA Club before being replanted in the new-look Centenary Square.

The square, of which the war memorial will be a centre point, is being created by the Town Council to mark this year's 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

* Rose bushes are removed by Tidy Town Team members.

Royal Warrant for Rhug Estate

Lord Newborough, owner of the Rhug Estate, near Corwen, has been granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales.

The warrant is for Rhug Organic Farm which incorporates the farm, the wholesale meat business, the cutting plant, the butcher’s counter at Rhug Farm shop and Rhug’s stall at London’s Borough Market.

Lord Newborough (pictured) said: “Being awarded the Royal Warrant is a dream come true, I am so thrilled for my team at Rhug who work so hard to embrace the highest standards of animal welfare and all the rewards of sustainable farming we practise here at Rhug.

"To have this recognition means everything. We are proud to fly the Welsh flag wherever we sell our meat in the world. As far as I know there are less than 20 warrant holders in Wales and I believe, we will be the only organic farm and cutting plant. This is an honour that cannot be bought and only earnt. I am so proud of what we have achieved here at Rhug over the last 20 years this is truly wonderful news.”

The Royal Warrant of Appointment Certificate states Rhug Organic Farm is certified, by command of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, to supply organic meat to His Royal Highness’ households.

Rhug has been supplying meat to the royal households for the past six years including Welsh lamb, chickens, turkeys and bison meat.

Lord Newborough added: “It might be my name on the certificate when it arrives but the Royal Warrant is wonderful recognition and reward for the hard work, vision and dedication to sustainable farming shown by the whole team here at the Rhug who all share the same vision and passion and rewards for sustainable farming.”

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Campaign launched to protect heather moorland

* The campaign is launched at Oneplanet Adventure.

A campaign aimed at protecting the heather moorland in parts of south Denbighshire has been launched.

The Sustainable Access campaign aims to prevent further damage to the moorland, which is being eroded due to an increase in use.

Over recent years the area of moorland around Llandegla and Eglwyseg is being used as a popular route into Llangollen. 

As a result the paths and animal tracks are being damaged and the heather moorland is degrading. This has an impact on wildlife in the area, particularly ground nesting birds.

Now the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty team and Ride North Wales, in partnership with Oneplanet Adventure who run the mountain bike centre at Coed Llandegla are launching a campaign, which encourages cyclists and other users to stick to official routes.

The campaign includes videos highlighting some of the problems caused, a series of social media activity aimed at cyclists and other countryside users.

Councillor Tony Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Housing, Regulation and the Environment, said: “The stunning countryside and unique terrain attracts thousands of people every year. This campaign is asking them to stick to the Trail Users Code and follow the designated official routes.

"We want to protect this unique landscape and prevent any further damage to the paths, the heather moorland and the wildlife that has made the moorland their home.

“This landscape is unique, but it is also fragile. That is why the AONB and its partners have been working to protect this unique location, but need the public’s help too.

“We appeal for people to be considerate of the countryside and work together to protect it for future generations."

* For further information, please visit: or  

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Vehicle break-in on community hall car park

* A police vehicle on the community hall car park.

Posts on Facebook this morning say that one or perhaps more cars were broken into on the Community Hall car park yesterday (Tuesday) evening.

One said: "Car broken into tonight between 7pm and 10pm at St Collen's community hall car park, the police have been informed but if anyone has seen anything please let us at the hall or the police know."

A police van was in the car park this morning as a scenes of crime officer examined one of the cars parked there.

Chamber of Trade's new line-up chosen

Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism has a fresh line-up for officers for the forthcoming year.

At their April meeting in the Hand Hotel last night (Tuesday) members re-elected David Davies as chair while Liz Mc Guinness as elected secretary,  Jan Deeprose as membership secretary and Bob Jacques as treasurer.  
Completing the executive team are Ian Lebbon as vice-chair, Simon Collinge as press and publicity officer and Darren Preston as banner manager. 

Retiring officers  Ian Parry,  Roger Honey and Ralph Robson were thanked for their service.

David Davies (pictured) said: “We extend our grateful thanks for all their work over the past, too numerous to mention years and wish them well in new ventures.”

Mr Davies briefed members on the proposed Shared Spaces team for the town centre.
He said the aim of the project was to create a better environment in and around Castle Street, making its use a much more pleasant experience for both pedestrians and drivers.

He explained that a consultation exercise was about to begin and that the chamber would be involved in the discussions.
The chamber had also been invited to be involved in the drive to secure finance for the project and Mr Davies asked members if they were happy about this.

It was agreed that the chamber would help in any way it could subject to seeing plans for how the project would take shape.
Mr Davies then turned to the issue of the lack in the town of an accessible defibrillator, a potentially life-saving piece of equipment capable of delivering a high-energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest.

“There is no defibrillator accessible in Llangollen 24 hours a day and I want to put that right,” he said.
“I’m therefore pleased to report that the owner of the company currently carrying out work on the old HSBC bank in Bridge Street has offered to have one of the machines on the wall of the building.

“It’s only one but it’s a start and I’m committed to finding the money to pay for it.”
Existing members who have not yet paid their 2018 subscriptions were urged to do so before the end of April to ensure inclusion on the reprinted  town map of members.   

The chamber already has a number of new members whose business location will be added to this year’s map, which is currently in preparation.
* Next meeting of the chamber will be at 6pm in the Hand on Tuesday, May 1.