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Saturday, April 18, 2015

New cinema event planned for town

A new community cinema is due to open in the town this summer.
Arranged in conjunction with the Llangollen Fringe Festival, it will be based at the Town Hall.
Called ‘New Dot Cinema, Llangollen’ and aims to bring together all ages in a friendly, atmospheric setting.
The first cinema event is planned for the evening of Wednesday July 15, time to be confirmed.
The scheme is the brainchild of a Llangollen-based volunteer group who say they are keen to bring film-going back to town.
Committee member Kirsty Burrell said: "We're a small group who've come together to run a not-for-profit community cinema, staffed entirely by volunteers.
"Any surplus funds we raise will go towards putting on future shows and improving the cinematic experience for the town.”
As well as Kirsty, the group also includes local artist Simon Proffitt who said: "Quite a few people had mentioned recently that they’d like somewhere to watch films in town, so we got together and set up a community cinema.”
The night will be run as a pop-up event in the Victorian Town Hall on Castle Street.
Simon added: “It's already a beautiful old building, and we plan to show-off its character with atmospheric lighting and decor. The original red velvet seats on the balcony will offer a great view of the screen and cabaret-style seating."
The identity of New Dot Cinema’s first feature film will be revealed this coming Monday, April 20, at 7pm, during a Pavilion-based event organised by Llangollen Fringe - all are welcome. 
According to Simon, the name New Dot  was inspired by the former Dorothy Cinema on Castle Street, which is now Cafe & Books.
He said: "We wanted to respectfully acknowledge the town's original cinema that many people have such fond memories of.
"The old Dorothy was opened in the 1930s, during the heyday of cinema, by the Horspool family. "Llangollen Museum has a good display of original film programmes and old photos from the Dorothy that has been donated not so long ago by Fraser Horspool."
* More details will be available on the website or via facebook: /newdotcinema and twitter: @newdotcinema

Friday, April 17, 2015

Police aim to catch villains on camera

* Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales
Winston Roddick  with PCSO Gethin Chapman, PC
Lynette Farley and PCSO Matthew Preston.

Villains in North Wales will be caught on camera.
North Wales Police are introducing body worn video equipment so that evidence of crimes can be captured as they happen.
A total of 128 video camera kits will be deployed across the force area and will be worn by officers on their chest.
The introduction of the crime-fighting technology has been welcomed by North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Winston Roddick CB QC, following a successful six-month trial last year.
Money for the initiative has come jointly from a special Ministry of Justice innovation fund and Mr Roddick.
 * PCSO Gethin Chapman wearing
one of the new cameras.
It's hoped the use of the HD quality cameras will also reduce confrontations and the number of complaints whilst, at the same time, improving public confidence in the police.
Mr Roddick said: Body worn video is a good use of modern technology to improve the effectiveness of policing and of the criminal justice system more generally because the camera doesn’t lie.
"The camera films an event as it is happening which provides instant evidence which is contemporaneous.
"It can deter some criminals from committing a crime and also when they do commit a crime, it persuades them that there’s no alternative other than to pleading guilty.
"It’ll save a lot of money and not only in policing but also in the administration of justice, in court time, in particular. 
"The technology offers protection to police officers and the public because the potential criminal knows that if he or she commits a crime within seeing distance of the lens, they’re going to be observed and they’re going to be arrested. 
"This is a huge leap forward in terms of policing."
The Reveal Media devices are already being used by 30 forces in England and Wales and will provide an exact audio and video record of any incidents that are being filmed.
Once back at the police station, the police officer will dock the device and the video material automatically goes to digital store of evidence which is integrated with the force's central records management system.
One area where the cameras have proved themselves particularly useful is in the aftermath of an incident of domestic violence where evidence of any injuries and damage can be gathered along with the behaviour and demeanour of the aggressor and the victim.
A study conducted in Essex showed a significantly higher percentage of people were charged with offences when officers wore cameras, with 81 per cent of people charged compared to 72 per cent when officers did not wear a device.
Assistant Chief Constable Richard Debicki said: "Body worn video has been shown to be very useful operationally. For example, it has been seen to moderate the behaviour of some people who are acting aggressively, for example, in domestic abuse and public order situations.  This can help prevent a further escalation of violence and aggression if people know that they are being filmed.
"It provides strong additional evidence for use in court and I believe that it will help increase public confidence.
"Body worn videos provide a much better opportunity for producing best evidence in relation to domestic violence - a picture is worth a thousand words.
"The injured party may have injuries and marks on them which may not be visible later but will be instantly captured using the body worn video.
"You can imagine going to a distressing scene of domestic violence.  There might be damage and a complete mess in the room.
"You can also see the emotion and the willingness of the victim at that point to say what happened.
"So it’s very good to capture the scene at that point, as it was, in terms of the victim and the real impact and upset that these incidents have.
"As a result, it’s very good in increasing the success in terms of convictions and charges in domestic violence.
"As police officers we aim to protect members of the public and their property, and prevent, detect and investigate crime and prevent public disorder. I am confident that body worn video will be a big help in making North Wales an even safer place to live and visit.
"In addition, our officers face threats of danger on the streets every single day and body worn video will go some way to protecting them from harm."

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Only days left to register for a vote

With just a few days remaining before the April 20 registration deadline for the General Election, the Electoral Commission and Denbighshire County Council are calling for anyone who isn’t yet registered to go online and do so at before it’s too late.

The elections watchdog has been running a national media campaign reminding voters that they can’t take part in the election unless they have registered.

Electoral Commission research indicates that recent home movers, young people, students and those from certain BME communities are all less likely to be registered to vote.

The Commission’s campaign aims to let people know that everyone can now easily apply to register online; this is the first general election where this has been possible.

* The registration deadline is at midnight on Monday 20 April 2015.

Candidates respond to FoE's survey

Friends of the Erath Llangollen has carried out a survey of the views of all the candidates standing for the local Clwyd South constituency in the General Election on May 7 and has sent their responses to llanblogger to share with our readers ...
Mabon Ap Gwynfor – Plaid Cymru 

About you 
I live near Corwen, with my wife Nia and three young children. I’m a Governor of our community school, and am a Director with one of our National Theatres. 
I am a campaigner, and believe that the community voice should be heard at all levels. I have campaigned for improved health services – including the re-introduction of community hospital beds, and maintaining our neo-natal and maternity services. I am also campaigning to oppose fracking and invest in research and development into renewable technology, including solar and tidal, as well as smaller scale such as geothermal and hydro.  
Top 3 policies  
  1. Better employment to tackle poverty 
Our most valuable resource is our people, with a wealth of talent to be unleashed. We would increase public procurement in Wales by 25%, creating approximately 3000 jobs in this constituency. We would stop the exploitative zero hours contracts, and make the minimum wage a living wage (currently £7.85p/h).   
  1. Invest in people and communities 
Austerity has had a disproportionate impact on women, children and disabled people, with essential services and assistance cut. Yet Government can afford £100bn on Trident and lose £120bn through tax avoidance and evasion. We’d introduce a financial transaction levy and scrap Trident, using the money to invest in communities and services.   
  1. Invest in our environment 
Solar, tidal and other renewables offer us an opportunity to create jobs and tackle climate change. North Wales produces more electricity than we consume, yet electricity is dearer here. Fracking: We cannot commit to another generation of fossil fuels, and the possibility of contaminating our water supply. Fracking should be banned. 
Vision for Clwyd South 
We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to shift politics away from the consumerist self-centred consensus. For too long UK politics has been about attracting the support of the wealthy at the expense of ordinary people. While we’ve suffered cuts the rich are richer. This year, however, instead of choosing the least worst option, you can positively vote for Plaid Cymru knowing that in a hung Parliament our voice could be decisive - we would not balance the books on the backs of the poor. My modest vision therefore is to ensure that we have no more need for foodbanks. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
Instead of the Big 6 energy companies, we would like to see the small 1 million, with each household having the ability to produce electricity, and look to utilise public buildings to generate electricity. We’d set a target of producing the equivalent of 100% of our electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2035. Changing the National Grid to allow community grids would be essential. We would also invest in community based farming to produce more locally grown food, and save on food miles. More needs to be invested in retrofitting houses with better insulation, which would also help fight fuel poverty. 
More information 
Twitter: @mabonapgwynfor 
Mandy Jones UKIP 

About you 
I was a shepherd and farm contractor in Clwyd, for 14 years. I brought my family up in Corwen and all of my grown up children, are fluent Welsh. I attended Llysfasi College, for many years, studying agriculture & small animal care. I am passionate about getting the best deal for South Clwyd:
We need extra funding here, South Wales gets everything and North Wales gets the dregs, I will fight for extra funding. UKIP is the only party that represents ordinary people, thus, being able to change things for the better, in South Clwyd & indeed, North Wales.
Top 3 policies  
  1. 1. Health 
UKIP will return NHS management to Qualified Clinicians and cut upper management bureaucracy with their, over-inflated wages. Putting those saved funds, back into front line NHS services. We will make sure the NHS is free at the point of delivery and time of need for all UK residents. 
  1. Education 
UKIP will remove Tuition Fees for students taking approved Degrees in Science, Medicine, Technology, Engineering and Maths, on the condition, that those students, Live, Work and Pay Tax in the UK, for 5 years, after completion of their degrees. 
              3. Housing 
UKIP will prioritise housing for Local People and Ex-Armed Forces Personnel. We will protect the Green Belt and only build on Brownfield sites, thus, lowering the price of homes through relaxed VAT. Homes built on Brownfield sites, will be exempt from Stamp Duty on first sale. 
Vision for Clwyd South 
We, in UKIP, believe that open and honest communication is a priority and we freely, give our numbers and email addresses out to the people of our communities, so they can contact directly, when they need to. 
  • I want to travel on my road and find, NO pot holes.  
  • I would like to get the Corwen Skate Park up and running, after a 15 year delay. 
  • I want to see communities, coming together more, to support older/disabled residents. 
  • I would like more local/community/organised/fun nights/days, for the many, not just the few. 
  • I want the old fashioned, Community Spirit back. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
UKIP supports research of technologies. Pursuing a policy of having an Energy Mix is sensible, but unreliable forms of energy production, would not be part of that mix. 
We don't support policies that make it difficult to keep a home warm, but, the environment needs protecting. 
We don't support measures which have a negative impact at home, while other countries continue to develop their economies without consideration for the environment. We need a global solution that all countries sign up to; any agreement which does not have the support of the US, India and China (Kyoto) is not worth having.
Susan Elan Jones - Labour 

About you 
I was born, brought up and live in the Clwyd South constituency. I am not a career politician and became an MP after 15 years working for charities. This life experience was a key driving factor in my decision to stand for Parliament.  
I am currently Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Charities. In Parliament, I worked to secure changes to help small charities and opposed the damaging Lobbying Act. During my time as MP, I helped more than 3,000 local families. I’ve prioritised issues like jobs, road safety, animal welfare, tackling online child abuse and supporting S4C. 
Top 3 policies 
  1. I will stand up for jobs for local people and abolish exploitative zero-hours contracts. 
I don't think there is any issue in our constituency more important than jobs and tackling zero hours contracts. As MP, I called on the Government to guarantee a job for every young person out of work for a year and for every adult unemployed for over two years.  
  1. I will back radical plans to cut heating bills and protect precious energy resources. 
The current set-up where the energy companies call the tune has to end. I firmly support radical action to tackle high heating bills and provide improved home insulation that will help protect our precious energy resources. I’m also committed to seeing oil prices brought under the scope of regulator Ofgem.  
  1. I will continue to publish all my expenses and oppose MPs’ pay-rises and second jobs. 
There can be no compromises in the quest to restore trust to politics in our country. That’s why I’ve always been 100% transparent with finances, publishing every penny my office spends. As MP, I stood up for proper accountability for MPs and opposed MPs pay-rises and MPs having second jobs.  
Your vision for Clwyd South 
The wonderfully diverse 240 square mile constituency of Clwyd South is where I come from and it is where I am proud to call home.  
I am passionate about better employment prospects and greater economic justice for our home area. About strong protection of our outstanding natural environment. About more opportunities for young people. And about greater social cohesiveness, where we support community groups and have zero tolerance for the menace of anti-social behaviour.   
I would be honoured to be re-elected as your Member of Parliament to serve our home constituency of Clwyd South. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
I was delighted when Ed Miliband said that climate change would be one of his main priorities as Prime Minister. This is a pivotal issue and I fully support Labour’s global deal to reduce carbon emissions through:  
  • Ambitious emissions targets for all countries, strengthened every five years with a scientific assessment of the progress towards the 2C goal. 
  • A goal of net zero global emissions in the second half of this century. 
  • Transparent, universal rules for measuring/ reporting emissions. 
  • All countries adopting climate change adaptation plans.  
  • Richer countries providing support to poorer nations in their efforts to combat climate change.   
More information 
David Nicholls – Conservatives 

About you 
I was the first person in my family to go to university and I am proud of the sacrifices made by my parents to give me a better start in life.  I recognise the importance of aspiration and I want everyone to have access to the same opportunities that I did. 
I became a barrister, and I have worked for myself for over 12 years.  I believe in the importance of hard work and taking responsibility. 
I have only recently become involved in politics – because I believe in taking action to make sure that our communities can grow and thrive. 
Your top 3 policies  
  1. A stable, growing economy 
We have to get our economy right by repaying our debts and living within our means.  If we don’t, we will waste vast sums on interest payments and we won’t be able to afford well-funded public services.  We are on the right track but there is more to be done. 
  1. Increasing employment 
As well as getting the economy right, we need to make sure that everyone benefits. And that means jobs.  More than 1.9million jobs have been created since 2010 across the whole country.  The hopelessness and waste of unemployment is sickening.  I am committed to working towards full employment. 
  1. Well-funded public services 
I believe in well-funded, well-run public services, like schools and hospitals.  We want the best for our children or when we are ill.  I am committed to making sure that our public services deliver effectively and that our NHS remains free at the point of need. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
Clwyd South is a beautiful constituency and has great potential.  We need to do more to build our tourism industry – not just in Clwyd South but across the whole of North Wales.  This means working together to achieve better promotion of our region, better transport links, and improved mobile reception.  I also believe we need to make sure that our farming and agricultural communities can thrive. 
Regenerating our local communities should be another key focus, so that we can provide new homes for our young people and allow small businesses to grow, creating new jobs. 
How you would tackle climate change 
There is no doubt that our climate is changing.  This is one of the most serious threats our country and the world faces.  Left unchecked, it will have far-reaching consequences for our society. The Conservatives are addressing this by: 
  • Making Britain a global leader in the development of clean energy. 
  • Investing in low-carbon and green energy with energy market reforms. 
  • Supporting carbon capture technologies. 
  • Setting up the world’s first green investment bank to fund projects from offshore wind farms to measures to help industries to reduce the amount of energy they use. 
  • Helping people make their homes more energy efficient. 
More information 
Twitter:  DavidClwydSouth 
Facebook:  DavidNichollsforClwydSouth 
Duncan Rees – Green Party 

About you 
Duncan Rees was born and brought up in Cardiff, studied at Liverpool University, and has lived for 20 years in the village of Brynteg outside Wrexham. 
Duncan has recently ended 21 years working as a membership and community officer for the Co-operative group.  He is a strong advocate of a fair deal for producers – both overseas, and in Wales. Duncan Chaired the Wales Fairtrade organisation.
Married with two grown up children, Duncan takes an active interest in local issues, and is particularly interested in environmental matters, supporting local community and co-operative development, and improving public transport.  
Your top 3 policies  
  1. Prioritise policies for the common good  
Defend the NHS, cancel Trident higher taxes for the richest, increase public spending, bring British Railways back into public ownership. Introduce policies to tackle climate change and move towards a carbon neutral energy system. 
              2. Bring honesty back into politics. Encourage people to vote for what they believe in – rather than voting tactically between two or three discredited “main parties”. 
              3. More resources for sustainable transport 
Better bus services, improved rail frequency, reopen old railway routes, improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
I would like to see an area in which we lived up to our vision of what is possible, and what we want to vote for,  rather than believing the hollow promises of politicians, of several persuasions, who have failed us in the past – and will fail us again in the future  - if we let them! 
I believe that there is a receptive audience for the key Green messages on issues such as climate change, transport, public spending, energy policy, nuclear weapons, and building sustainable communities.  In short, I believe we can make a difference – and give the increasing number of people wishing to support us a real alternative to the discredited “main” political parties. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
This in one of the most vital issues facing the world today. To avoid catastrophic results from climate change we need to make a massive shift from burning carbon fuels towards renewable energy resources, and we need government resourcing to accomplish that. Between 80 and 90% of fossil fuels needs to be kept in the ground to avoid the worst outcomes. This is Green party policy. 
More information 
Bruce Roberts – Liberal Democrats 

About you  
I was born and educated in Wrexham. I have degrees and Physics and Philosophy and am a Chartered Accountant. I worked in industrial research for a time but have spent the last 18 years running my own business as an accountant.  I employ 6 people. I joined the Liberal Democrats in the early 1990’s, motivated by the lack of compassion of Margaret Thatcher’s conservatives and the unrealistic Labour alternative.  
Your top 3 policies  
            1Economic renewal 
Clwyd South is typical of much of Wales in its lack of economic dynamism.  I would like to see the encouragement of small business and individual economic independence by putting in place incentives for business start-up. 
                 2. Educational opportunity 

As a society we are becoming more divided (economically and socially)  and the best place to start to narrow that gap is to give opportunities in education to those from deprived backgrounds.  The pupil deprivation grants which are a major plank of Lib Dem policy in England should be extended to Wales. The increasing segregation of children from different backgrounds needs to be reversed. 
                  3. Climate change  

Whatever other policies we might implement they are irrelevant if we do not address the issue of climate change.  Realistic but ambitious goals need to be agreed.  This cannot be done in isolation and we need to work with our EU partners to set targets and negotiate with the other major trading blocks to decrease our impact on the climate. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
The three priorities above reflect my vision.  Clwyd South is typical of most of Wales and the UK generally and the wider priorities also stand well here. 
How you would tackle climate change 
Whatever other policies we might implement they are irrelevant if we do not address the issue of climate change.  Realistic but ambitious goals need to be agreed.  This cannot be done in isolation and we need to work with our EU partners to set targets and negotiate with the other major trading blocks to decrease our impact on the climate.