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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Council approves action plans

* Councillors are looking for quotes for design work on Royal Gardens. 
The Town Council has now accepted a tender to carry out renovation work on Llan’s world-famous Chain Bridge.

The mayor, Cllr Jon Haddy, said at the council meeting on Tuesday evening that the firm which had been successful had also done the renovation of a similar bridge near The Walls in Chester. 

·         Councillors agreed at the same meeting to seek quotes from appropriate firms to carry out design work for the future look of Royal Gardens, the green area opposite the Royal Hotel which the council now owns. One of the proposals there is to plant a tree to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

·         Members also gave their approval to a donation of £500 to the food festival to be held at the Royal International Pavilion in October.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Cash available to transform empty properties

People looking to return empty properties back into use can now apply for financial help thanks to a new scheme.
The Houses into Homes scheme has made over £2.35 million available to people across North Wales in a bid to provide people with much needed homes.
In Denbighshire, over £300,000 has been made available.
The Welsh Government scheme provides interest free loans to enable the renovation, improvement and conversion of empty properties for use as residential accommodation.
Eligible properties must have been empty for six months or more. Single units of accommodation can receive a loan of up to a maximum of £25,000, with a maximum loan of £150,000 available per applicant.
Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for housing, Councillor David Smith, said: “This funding is extremely welcome and will go a long way in helping turn empty or derelict properties into homes for people across the county.”
Huw Lewis AM, Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage
“Empty homes are, quite simply, a wasted resource. There are approximately 20,000 long term empty properties across Wales, depriving people of a much needed home and blighting the community.
“Providing good quality, affordable homes for people is a priority across Wales and we have been exploring a number of ways to help us meet the growing demand. We hope the Houses into Homes scheme will encourage landlords, home owners and developers to come forward and turn empty properties into homes.”
For more information about Homes into Houses scheme, please contact
Debbie Nalecz, Empty Homes Officer on 01824 706817 or

Readers have their say on health issues

* The recent Hand public meeting is the subject of our second letter, below.

We have received two readers' letters on the subject of the future of health services in Llan, which we bring you here:

A Bird In The Hand?
I read, with considerable interest, both Ken Skates’ and Mike Edwards’ statements this morning. Mike, Chair of Keep Llangollen Special Community Group, made extremely valid points, which Mr Skates hasn’t addressed.
It is an established fact that Betsi Cadwaladr’s plan is to close our Cottage Hospital in 2013. It is true that this hospital has suffered underinvestment for years, and is barely fit for purpose because of this long-term neglect by Betsi Cadwaladr.
They have already suffered death by a thousand cuts and many previous attempts to close it. It is a tribute to the dedicated staff that they’ve kept on going regardless, and it’s about time their praises were sung.
It’s very enticing to say we want a 21st Century facility, but in what way will that differ from a 20th Century facility?
Nurses remain nurses, beds remain beds, so will the proposed new Health Centre be furnished with an MRI scanner, a path lab, or anything else currently only available at the Maelor and elsewhere?
Stating that we need the best” doesn’t mean it will be delivered. We need to read the specification for the new Health Centre, not vague promises.
The cold, clinical fact is that after the hospital closes in 2013, we only have politicians’ promises that there will be a replacement multi-million-pound health centre at the River Lodge. Perhaps I’ve grown cynical in my old age, but I’ve heard politicians’ promises all my life. Remember Labour’s manifesto pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?
Between 2013 and 2015, we will have no local hospital services at all. Mr Skates should be arguing on our behalf that the hospital must not close until the new facility his open, if it ever happens. If he did that, he wouldn’t be torn between his government’s policy and serving the community. I think we deserve to come first, and I’m sure he would agree with that statement.
As Mike made clear, Betsi Cadwaladr have several hurdles to jump: They must prepare a business case acceptable to the Welsh Government, have it approved, apply for Planning Permission and have that approved – far from easy – and then purchase the property. Everyone seems to be assuming that the Powys Fadog project is dead, but it isn’t – it’s something which would bring great benefit, including thirty jobs, and their fight is by no means over.
Come 2015, there’s every possibility that Betsi Cadwaladr may shelve their plans for a new Health Centre. The economy may have nosedived; they may decide that we’ve got along without local services very well and no longer deem it worthwhile.
I challenge Mr Skates to extract a binding contract with Betsi Cadwaladr to keep the hospital open until the proposed Health Centre is ready to receive patients. I challenge him to ensure we retain beds and the minor injury unit here.
Over to you, Mr Skates. Don’t let us down – and please respond to this.
Martin Crumpton, Llangollen Protest

It was good meeting and everyone I spoke to said the same. There were 51 votes for a referendum and nobody opposed it – 7 abstained – So for once WE will be listened to and that would never have happened if we left it to the town council. Things like this are already budgeted for so if anybody complains about the cost tell them it’s our money and it’s well spent if it makes them listen to our views for once. Let’s hope it will become a habit or we’ll have to have more meetings like this. Everybody had a chance to speak and that’s how it should be. It’s called democracy and the majority said “Keep Our Hospital” If/when our Cottage/Community Hospital is closed, I want/need to know that it will NOT be closed prior to the new Health Centre OPENS and the opinions of the local residents will be listened to i.e. LLangollen WANTS TO KEEP BEDS in our community.
I would also like to point out that I held a copy of the Register of Electors at the meeting but as a local (born and bred here) I knew the majority of the people attending the meeting.
Jude Williams

* We welcome your letters on this or any other suspect of interest in Llan or wider.
All we ask is that you let us have your name for oublication.

AM boosts new Llan health plans


* Ken Skates AM.

"Massive step in right direction"

Labour Assembly Member Ken Skates has met health chiefs to discuss proposed changes to services in Wrexham and Denbighshire.
Clwyd South member Mr Skates discussed the future of services in the Dee Valley, where Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is planning a new multi-million pound health centre.
He said: “People throughout the Dee Valley want to see a first class, modern health service for the 21st Century and the planned health centre for Llangollen would be a massive step in the right direction.
“I have met with many residents who are anxious to see the dilapidated former River Lodge Hotel utilised for a new health centre, but assurances are also being sought that the planned Extended Care Scheme, along with GPs services, will address concerns about bed losses.
“In Chirk the hospital’s future is secure, but I am raising queries regarding the future of the Minor Injuries Unit. I am also anxious to ensure Corwen sees its fair share of a modern health service developed in the coming years.
“The UK economy under the Tory/Lib Dem coalition has slumped back into recession and borrowing is rising. Against this terrible economic backdrop it is reassuring that Labour is committed to defending the core principles of an NHS in Wales that is free of privatisation.”

Keep Llan Special chair speaks out

Mike Edwards, chair of Keep Llangollen Special, has given llanblogger the following update on the group's recent acivities:
"The Management Committee of Keep Llangollen Special have held various meetings since the last Llangollen News. Interestingly we went on a site visit to Dobson & Crowther as a fact finding exercise to understand the Company's position in relation to the planning applications to Denbighshire Denbighshire Council to relocate their premises to Cilmedw. This visit was arranged for us by Ken Skates AM and we met with Paul Holden Managing Director and his highly motivated team when taken on a tour of the factory. It was extremely interesting to hear Paul's presentation and to learn about the range of products they produce many for household names and then to see the factory in action. We would like to thank Paul Holden and his team for meeting with us. 

"The Company are operating in a very difficult market place at a time of recession and to some extent we understand why they have teamed with a speculative property developer to relocate their premises to Cilmedw. However it is the groups view that Llangollen Town Centre will pay a heavy price if a Sainsbury's supermarket is built outside the main shopping area. The application for a supermarket on the busy A5 tourist trunk route is contrary to Welsh Government Planning Policies which protect the vitality and vibrancy of town centres. Also the application is contrary to the sustainability policies because it will lead to increased vehicle journeys. The developer's recent amendment to include traffic lights at the junction into the new Cilmedw Industrial Estate will interrupt the two way flow of traffic which already experiences blockages at the Castle Street traffic lights and the Sorting Office pelican crossing.  Also of course there would be a new entrance into and out of the proposed supermarket which in our view is all a recipe for massive congestion on the A5.  

"Do we really want to lose our local butchers, greengrocers, delicatessens etc and see masses of empty shops in the town like many other towns up and down the UK?

Buy Local Day

"The last Buy Local day took place recently centring on Llangollen Cafes this time and the day was an outstanding success and our Secretary, Jude Williams reports that the majority of cafes participated with Dragons Den, Cottage Tea Rooms, Village Bakery and the Courtyard Cafe in particularly reporting doubling their sales of teas and coffees. These dedicated "Buy Local" are becoming more and more successful and we plan to hold a day covering all shops in the town centre next month. Thanks to Jude for all her hard work on behalf of Keep Llangollen Special.  

NHS Reforms

"We are endeavouring to find out as much as possible about the reorganisation of health services in Llangollen following the announcement by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board of proposals to replace the existing Community Hospital on Abbey Road with a new multi-purpose Health Centre to be erected on the site of the former Woodlands Hotel now known as the Riverside Lodge. The biggest concern is that the Health Board propose to close the existing Hospital early next year, but not replace it until 2015 which will mean Llangollen residents having to travel to Chirk and Wrexham for many services. We also understand that BCUHB have to present a Business Case to Welsh Government to acquire the Riverside Lodge site, so their scheme has many hurdles to jump including receiving Planning Permission before it comes into being. At the moment patients can walk or take a short journey to the existing Health Centre in the middle of town, but residents will be forced to travel by car or public transport to get to the new Health Centre, if and when it's built. Residents can find out more on the 26th September, 2012 when the Health Board hold briefing sessions to explain their proposals, but residents need to ring 0800 678 5297 to book their place.
Chair of Keep Llangollen Special

"Unfortunately Martin Crumpton has had to stand down as Chair of the Group due to poor health. The new Chair is Michael Edwards and Vice Chair is Philip Jones. The Group wish to place on record their thanks to Martin for all his hard work in setting up Keep Llangollen Special and are pleased that he is able to continue as our Researcher and contribute to the future work of the group."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ysgol Dinas Bran celebrates its best ever GCSE results

* Successful students jump for joy at their fantastic GCSE results.

* Some of Ysgol Dinas Bran's high GCSE achivers.

Staff and students at Ysgol Dinas Bran are celebrating their best ever set of GCSE results today (Thursday).
The outstanding results mean that 98.2% of all students in year 11 achieved five or more equivalent passes at GCSE. 
And this year more students than ever have achieved five or more A*s to C grades.   
A highly creditable 98.2% of Dinas Bran students achieved five or more pass grades, which is nearly the whole of the year group, and 100% passed the level one threshold. 
A school spokesperson said: "They worked so hard this year and all the efforts have paid off. 
"Well done to everyone  - we are so proud of all the students and the staff who have supported them through their studies. 
"Well done to all!"
llanblogger also passes on its hearty congratulations to the successful students.

Notable individual achievements came from:- 


Jaya Entwistle
Samantha   Pennington
Wilf Wort
George Wort
Kitty Cartwright
Sarah Tipuric
Iestyn Watkin
Toby Pearce
Susan Cragg
Alice Gonzales
Jillian Howe

 If you didn't manage to get the grades you wanted, check out this website here: 

Minister for Education and Skills, Leighton Andrews, today joined pupils at Cynffig Comprehensive School as they celebrated their GCSE and Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification results.
The Minister said:
“Students across Wales, like those in Cynffig who I am visiting today, deserve our congratulations as they take this significant step on their learning journey.
“Our students’ performance in GCSEs shows the overall pass rate remains at 98.7 per cent, with passes at A*-C at 65.4 per cent which is encouraging.”
GCSE results for students in Wales published today show that:
  • the overall pass rate remains at 98.7%.
  • the proportion of passes at grades A* to C was 65.4%;
  • the proportion of A* and A grades was 19.2%;
  • the proportion of A* grades was 6.5%;
The Welsh Baccalaureate, Intermediate and Foundation Diplomas have been available across the 14-19 phase since 2006 and are now widely available in both Key Stage 4 and in post-16 learning. Today’s results show that;
At Intermediate level:
  • Almost 10,000 (9,940) learners completed the Welsh Baccalaureate programme;
  • 8,119 achieved the Core certificate; and
  • 7,210 achieved both the Core certificate and the Options requirement and have been awarded the full Welsh Baccalaureate Intermediate Diploma.
And at Foundation level;
  • Over 3,500 (3,521) learners completed the Welsh Baccalaureate programme;
  • 2,515 achieved the Core certificate; and
  • 2,236 achieved both the Core certificate and the Options requirement and have been awarded the full Welsh Baccalaureate Foundation Diploma.
The Minister added:
“More students than ever have earned a Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification in addition to their other achievements, it continues to establish itself as a key feature of 14-19 learning in Wales and is a valued qualification.”

AM hails new agreement on Dee caneoing

* A new agreement covers caneoing on the River Dee.
Local Assembly Member Ken Skates has welcomed news that anglers and canoeists have reached an agreement over access to the River Dee in and around Llangollen.
The ground-breaking agreement clears the way for many more canoeing events to be held on the river, while enabling anglers to enjoy their pastime.
Clwyd South AM Ken Skates said: “I want to pay tribute to everyone who has been involved in negotiating this agreement.

“I know how much hard work has been put into bring all the parties together and discussing this issue with the best interests of the region as a whole at heart.
“Both canoeing and angling are important sources of revenue for Llangollen and the Dee Valley, bringing visitors from throughout the UK – indeed the world – to enjoy our world class waters.
“This agreement will reduce conflict and allow huge stretches of the river to be used throughout the year, providing an enormous boost to local economy, particularly in the winter.”
The agreement will see unrestricted access for canoeists to the river Dee from below the Horseshoe Falls to Llangollen town weir between October 20 and March 31 each year, with provision for access to the river below the Chainbridge at certain river levels.