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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Llangollen Food Share thanks donors for their support

For the second year running Llangollen Food Share has helped to feed local children during the summer holidays.  

During term-time all primary school children and some secondary school pupils receive free school meals. 

But parents don’t receive any help to provide the extra food needed to feed their children at lunchtimes during school holidays. 

The cost-of-living crisis is still very real to many families in Llangollen and the cost of providing extra food needed to feed their children is a real challenge.

A spokesperson for the Food Share said: “Over the last year there has been a growing need to help local families to feed children during the school holidays. Our aim is to make sure that ‘no-one goes hungry in our area’, but this aim is becoming more and more challenging to fulfil.

“This summer was the most challenging yet, because despite chasing funds from quite a few grant funders we were unable to get support for the school lunch project. 

"However, were delighted when Llangollen residents stepped in and donated over £2,000 to enable the lunch project to go ahead. The generosity of local donors is really appreciated. It has provided money for local children to receive healthy and nutritious packed lunches throughout the six weeks of the holidays.

“Llangollen Food Share began helping families during the school holidays just before the 2023 summer holidays. Help continued during Easter, Christmas and half terms. We are grateful to have received financial support from SDCP whilst the scheme was being established."

Each week throughout the year Llangollen Food Share supports over 130 local people from its centre based by Market Street car park. They also have a Community Fridge which is open to everyone that has surplus short-dated food on Monday and Thursday mornings.

* You can help to feed local people who would otherwise go hungry. Follow this link to help out.

Langollen Food Share is a registered charity (1204420)

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