Tuesday, September 6, 2016

St Collen's hosts BBC Radio 4's Any Questions

BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions will be broadcast live from St Collen’s Church in Llangollen on the evening of Friday October 21.

Vicar, the Rev Andrew Sully, said: “This is your chance to ask a question and influence the debate.
“For your free ticket please contact me by emailing and andamary@sullystallard.fsnet.co.uk, or calling 01978 860231.”

Doors open at 6.45-7.15pm on the night.
On Wednesday September 21, St Collen’s is playing host to a Peace One Day event starting at 10.30am.

St John’s Church in Abbey Road will hold its animal blessing service at 5pm on Animal Welfare Sunday, October 2.  

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