Tuesday, September 6, 2016

MP calls for bee protection measures

Susan Elan Jones MP has written formally to call on the Government to protect the bee population by supporting a comprehensive ban on neonicotinoids.

The Clwyd South Labour MP (pictured) said: "Bee-keeping is vital in our local area - and we need to be doing more to support the bee population and the production of honey. That's why I want to see the Government following the science. We need a total ban on harmful pesticides, which have a severe effect on our wildlife.

"Since last spring, I have been questioning the Government on another key environmental issue - the banning of microbeads (the pieces of plastic in products like shower gel and toothpaste that causes major damage to the world's oceans). 

"I am pleased the Government has changed its mind and decided to support a ban on these environmental menaces from 2017. However, we need the same sort of action to ban neonicotinoids. I urge the Government to act now."

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