Monday, February 17, 2025

Young 'Uns rock with their killer Queen musical

* A scene from the Young Uns' We Will Rock You.

Review by llanblogger

Old rockers never die, so the saying goes.

But anyone who turns up at Llangollen Town Hall later this week will see that young rockers have quite a bit of life in them too.

Over three evenings plus a matinee the Operatic’s outstanding junior section, the Young ‘Uns, will be belting out their latest show, We Will Rock You, a jukebox musical based on the songs of legendary British rock band Queen with a book by Ben Elton.

The all-action piece tells the story of a renegade group known as the Bohemians who struggle to restore the free exchange of thought, culture and music in a vaguely Orwellian society.

And oh what music! For how could you fail to rock along to super-hits like Radio Ga Ga, I Want to Break Free, Killer Queen, Under Pressure, I Want It All, Who Wants to Live Forever, We Are the Champions and Bohemian Rhapsody?

Over the busy two acts  no less than16 of these glorious numbers come tumbling out and the cast of 21, aged from just eight to 18, do them all perfect justice.

Producer Dee Smith, artistic director Alison Ravenscroft and musical director Leigh Mason have ensured a strong line-up of principle players, including Kelsey Thornton as Galileo one of the disaffected rebel figures, Leri Roberts as sharp-witted misfit Scaramouche and Edie Langford as terrifying dictator Killer Queen whose voice is powerful enough to command people in the audience as well as those on the stage. Also impressive is Freddie Thornton who makes for the deliciously sinister secret policeman Khashoggi.

Backing up the leads is a powerful ensemble of Bots, Ga Ga Kids, Super Yuppies and Bohemians which seem to total hundreds but are actually nearer 20.

Young ‘Uns have done without the usual live orchestra and sing their songs to the accompaniment of backing tracks. But it works nicely and, anyway, how could any small group of musicians hope to recreate the rich sound that Queen made in the studio?  

Costumes are highly colourful and inventive thanks to a large team of backstage helpers, including the director who is also credited in the programme for set design, building and painting and props! That’s what you call above and beyond.

Following on from their successes of the past few years it looks like Young ‘Uns have another rockin’ great hit on their hands.

* Tickets for the show, which runs from this Thursday until Saturday at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2pm, are  available on line from: and also through four local outlets - Llangollen Tourist Information Office, Jades Hair and Beauty, Llangollen Oggie Shop & Fine Foods and The Clwydian Butcher.  

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