A cancer survivor from Llangollen has started a self-support group to provide help and advice to people using a stoma.
Moira Gleed’s own journey towards being fitted with the medical device, which connects the bowel to the outside of the body with a small disposable bag, began last June when she was diagnosed with Stage III bowel cancer.
After major surgery at the Wrexham Maelor hospital she was fitted with a permanent stoma. This means that when the bowel moves, waste exits through the stoma bag which is stuck to the skin and has to be emptied at regular intervals.
Moira said: “I’d been ignoring the symptoms of the cancer for some time and the doctors told me it could have been coming on for seven to 10 years.
“I had the surgery last July and, so far, it looks to have been successful. Becoming a stoma user myself has made me determined to share my experience with others who find themselves in the same situation.”
She added: “The new group I have formed, which is called Back to Front for obvious reasons, aims to support each other with kindness along the journey each person with a stoma takes and will provide a safe and confidential ‘what gets said in this room stays in this room’ environment while offering an opportunity for fellow ostomates, which is what stoma users are known as, and their companions or carers to have a cuppa and talk about what’s on their minds and look at latest products from suppliers.
“The friendly and informal monthly meet-ups will have guest speakers on a variety of subjects on alternative months.
“The group will be open to all ostomates wishing to offer their support and experience to the group and to people who have recently had or are awaiting surgery and to their loved ones and carers.”
Moira said that group meetings will take place on the first Monday of every month. While there will be no charge for membership donations towards the hire of the hall, speakers and refreshments are welcomed.
The meeting place chosen is St Collen’s Community Hall, off Regent Street (A5) LL20 8HU. Meetings will run between 2 and 4pm and the first one takes place on Monday March 3.
The meeting room is at ground level with ramps and has easy access to the toilets. Parking, which is next to the hall, will be free for the duration of the meeting.
“We hope to see as many people as possible at our meetings, which are not just for Llangollen people but also those from surrounding areas, said Moira.
* For more information contact Moira Gleed, in confidence, on 07484 772772.
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