Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Royal Hotel is subject of two planning applications

* The Royal Hotel, subject of two planning applications.

The county council says it is currently considering two planning applications for Llangollen’s Royal Hotel.

The first is an application for a major development, which would involve the extension and alteration of the existing building to form 12 self-contained flats, including use of land as parking and associated works.

The second is a Listed Building Application also relating to the hotel, which has lain empty and unused for the past few years.

Notices giving brief details of the two applications, both in the name of Mavi Royal Ltd, Mr M Jones, have been posted inside the front door of the building on Bridge Street.

Both notices are dated January 13 this year and representations on the applications are invited by February 3.

Denbighshire’s planning portal shows that both applications were originally received by the council on June 10 last year, became valid last November 7 and expired on January 2 this year, with no extensions being noted.

However, a spokesperson for the council said this week: “Both applications are currently live and formally under consideration by the Local Planning Authority.


The notices displayed a the hotel say representations can be made by email to: or in writing to: Development Management, PO Box 62, Ruthin, Denbighshire , LL15 9AZ.

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