Wednesday, July 31, 2024

People urged to attend public toilets crisis meeting

* At risk: the Market Street public toilets.

The man who has been the driving force behind organising next week's public meeting to discuss the county council’s controversial plan to rid itself of Llangollen’s public toilets has stressed how vital it is for people to attend.

In a bid to balance its budget, Denbighshire aims to shed all the public conveniences it runs across the county and offer local town and community councils the chance to take them over.

This includes the toilets in Llangollen’s Market Street. But the Town Council has already ruled out a take-over on the grounds that it would be beyond its financial means and lead to a big increase on the amount it draws from the council tax.

The idea that a major tourist town like Llangollen stands to lose its busy public loos has sparked major protests on social media ranging over the past couple of months since the plan was revealed.

One of its leading opponents has been local resident Rod Holt who has been urging the Town Council to host a public meeting where all the sides of the argument can be aired.

Having secured the correct number of local electors required to spark it town clerk Gareth Thomas posted the necessary public notice.

This says the public meeting will be held at the Town Hall in Parade Street on Tuesday August 6, starting at 6pm.

It adds: “The purpose of the meeting is to address residents' and the business community’s concerns related to the transfer of ownership of the Llangollen public conveniences within potential for closure.”

Rod Hold said:  “It’s essential all shop/business owners and concerned residents, particularly those that posted support, attend this meeting so DCC are left in no doubt as to the feelings in Llangollen regarding the proposed closure of this vital facility.”

Llangollen county councillor Karen Edwards also urged people to attend the meeting.

She said: “Many people will now be aware that the county council has resolved to largely de-fund budgetary provision for operating public conveniences. This was part of a wider cost saving exercise with the aim of producing a balanced budget. 

"I have consistently and vehemently opposed the closure of the Market Street toilets and the response from officers of the council thus far has been to say that no decision has been taken. 

"The proposal was due to come before Communities Scrutiny Committee on September 5, prior to Cabinet for a decision later that month. However, that has now been deferred to October, due to the forthcoming election affecting the time-frame for adequate public consultation on the proposals. 

"I shall obviously attend the  public community meeting hosted by the Llangollen Town Council, to listen to the views of those attending. The Market Street toilets are a vital part of our public infrastructure and I hope that many residents and businesses are able to attend.” 

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