Thursday, June 13, 2024

Summer fete makes over £1,600 on a day of fun and sun

* Members of the Rotary team and town crier Chem at the fete.

Llangollen Summer Fete raised £1,630.84 at Plas Newydd last Saturday. 

The money came from donations at the entrance, the raffle and a few other key sources.  

A spokesperson for the organisers said: "This is outstanding and so typically generous of locals and visitors. 

"Of the total £1,131.64 will be split across good causes, and £500 will go towards next year's fete. 

"Stallholders also did very well and whatever they made was for their own businesses and causes.

"Most of all it was a day of family fun in the sun and everyone enjoyed themselves on a beautiful afternoon. 

"Thank yous should go to all those that made this happen. From the Committee  - The Vale of Llangollen Rotary, Plas Newydd, The Parks Community - who brought it all together, to all the wonderful volunteers that helped set up the day before, during the fete and the big clear-up afterwards. 

"Also thanks to Rhys of Notcon Ltd for printing for free all the flyers for marketing, the fire service, local police, Ross and his father who brought the vintage Morris car and vintage bicycles making up our transport corner. 

"Thanks are also due to Alistair who donated his time and expertise as the official photographer on the day, with photographs to follow on our Facebook page, and to Steven Todd who also gave his time for free as a first aid First Responder.*

The spokesperson added: "Thank you to all the stallholders who brought such wonderful crafts, activities, games and goods to the fete for people to enjoy, all those who catered including the football club with burgers, Anna's cakes, Brownie Queen, the ice-cream van and the Plas Newydd Tearooms. To the local school who provided chairs, the Rafa Club and Town Hall tables, the Sports Club and Christmas Festival for Marquees. 

"To Charlie Jones who so beautifully compared and the Town Mayor Cllr Morris and his wife for opening the fete. Our very treasured Town Crier Chem who brings a smile to us all. Those that entertained us all afternoon, the Town Silver Band, the Panto Group, and Charlie Jones and the Band for their music. To CircoArts for bringing their wonderful circus workshop for young and old to take part in all afternoon. Thank you to the lovely children from our town who helped pull out winners for our raffle and other competition prizes. And to so many more - too many to mention. 

"Most of all thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the day's joy.

"We hope that next year's fete will grow and build on this year's.

* For details of next year's fete and more pictures from this year, go to:

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