Friday, June 28, 2024

Shock closure for Vale of Lllangollen Rotary Club

* The Facebook post in which the closure announcement was made.

The Vale of Llangollen Rotary is being wound up, according to a post on its Facebook page this afternoon (Friday).

Since it was set up in the autumn of 2022 the club, which always said it would “do things differently” has helped to revive a well-loved Llangollen event, staged two successful illuminated tractor runs and raised thousands of pounds for local charities.

But the Facebook post, in the name of club president Lee Todd, says: “It is with deep regret that we announce the closure of the Llangollen Rotary Club, effective July 1st.

“This decision was not made lightly, and we understand it will come as a disappointment to many. 

“After careful consideration and deliberation, the membership has determined that continuing operations is no longer feasible. 

* Club president Lee Todd.

“We are deeply grateful to all those who have supported the Rotary Club here in Llangollen. 

“We are particularly proud of our commitment to supporting local charities, and we are pleased to announce that all funds raised by Llangollen Rotary Club will be distributed to them in July. 

“While the Llangollen Rotary Club will be closing its doors, the spirit of service that has defined our organisation will live on through the continued work of these worthy charities. 

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have been a part of the Llangollen Rotary Club journey and thanks again for all your support.” 

Only last month, the club assisted with the revival of the annual Llangollen summer fete at Plas Newydd which had been halted by the pandemic in 2019.  The event raised £1,600 for a number of good causes.

The Rotary also organised two Christmas-time tractor runs, raising £6,000 and £1,600 respectively.

* The Rotary Club team at the summer fete. President Lee Todd is with town crier 'Chem' Cheminais on the right.  

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