Monday, June 3, 2024

Man aiming to stand in election complains of delay in obtaining paperwork

 * Paul Penlington.

The man chosen by Plaid Cymru as its candidate for Clwyd East claims Denbighshire County Council has ignored his attempts to obtain the necessary paperwork for him to stand in the general election on July 4.

Paul Penlington, a former Denbighshire county councillor, said: “I am intending to stand for Parliament but my attempts to get the necessary paperwork from Denbighshire have largely been ignored.

“I have been attempting to get the paperwork for a week now, my intention being to complete it well ahead of the submission deadline in order to avoid any errors.

“I have emailed twice, I have rung every day this week, but only had an answer once, and then was told they had been told not to put people through to electoral services.

“The monitoring officer with overall responsibility for this election it turns out was also away and doesn’t seem to have left anyone to respond to electoral queries. 

“Eventually, out of increasing frustration, I rang the CEO directly and spoke to someone in his office, yet again I was told I couldn’t be put through and that someone would get back to me. I am now a week behind other candidates and still do not have the required paperwork. 

“I will have a very limited window to get the signatures I need and complete the paperwork with time to spare in case of errors.”

A spokesperson for Denbighshire County Council said: “All Clwyd East candidates should contact Flintshire County Council for the relevant paperwork for the upcoming election.

“However, we have posted out papers to the candidate first class and will be in contact with him to advise him of the situation. 

“The deadline for submission is Friday June 7 by 4pm.”

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