Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Delay to Four Great Highways scheme explained

* Work has stopped on the steps up to the Wharf.

Llangollen's Four Great Highways scheme has run into one great problem that's going to delay its completion until next month.  

People have been wondering why work on the project, funded by the UK Government's Levelling Up Fund, has been halted for weeks now.

But an update from the team in charge sent out yesterday (Monday) provides the answer - steel. 

Sent to all local stakeholders, it says: "As you may be aware, the project was initially due to complete by the end of this week.  

"Unfortunately, despite carrying out ground investigations prior to the works commencing, we have encountered unexpected ground conditions both in Lower Dee Mill Park and at the Wharf.  

* ... and at Lower Dee Mill Park. 

"This has resulted in a re-design of the foundations under the existing steps in the park, and a re-design of the foundations including the introduction of a steel sub-frame and concrete pile caps (a dense concrete pad that supports heavy structures in areas where the ground is soft) at the Wharf.

"The contractor is now waiting for the steel to be delivered for both areas, but this can only happen once it has been fabricated and has received the correct application of coatings before the material arrives on site.  The delivery is now planned to take place next week.

"Due to this delay, the planned completion date for the project is now end August 2024. However, please be assured the contractor is working very hard to complete some aspects of the scheme sooner if and where possible.  The signage and wayfinding aspect of the project will also be installed before the end of August 2024.

"We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience and disruption this may cause."

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