Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Church bells will ring out to celebrate peace petition exhibition

* The 1923 Peace Petitioners.

An exhibition will open this Thursday evening at Llangollen Museum about the Welsh Women's Peace Petition.  

An all-female band of bell-ringers is hoping to ring a quarter-peal - about 50 minutes continuous ringing - at St Collen's at 5.30pm the same evening to celebrate the exhibition, the petition and the work of the local volunteers who have carried out the research into local signatories and put the exhibition together.

In 1923, the horrors of WW1 having galvanised a generation against conflict, women of Wales organised an unprecedented campaign for world peace.

A total of 390,296 women signed a memorial petition through the Welsh League of Nations Union – said to have been seven miles long – calling for America to join and lead the new League of Nations and 2023 marked the centenary of the campaign. 

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