Saturday, June 8, 2024

Abseiler helps Eisteddfod put up its banner at station

An expert abseiler helped the Eisteddfod put up its striking advertising banner on a vantage point high above Llangollen station yesterday (Friday) morning.

The expert climbing service was provided by Glyndyfrdwy-based R3 Safety & Rescue, courtesy of its managing director Paul O’Sullivan.

The banner, which will stay in its vantage point in clear view of the town bridge for the duration of the festival, is based on the Eisteddfod’s new, more modern branding design.

Eisteddfod board member Ian Lebbon, who was there to watch the intricate operation, said: “It’s good to see our eye-catching banner going up where everyone will be able to see it.

“It’s also great that the guys from R3 Safety & Rescue, who have done this job for us for a number of years now, were back to help us out again, free of charge, this year.”

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