Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Town crier Chem to give D-Day 80th anniversary proclamation


* Town crier Austin "Chem" Cheminais is full cry.

Llangollen’s town crier is joining his big-voiced counterparts from across the world to deliver a very special proclamation to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Austin “Chem” Cheminais, who is also a former mayor of the town, recently found to his delight that he was on a list of over 300 town criers from many countries who have been asked to send out to their local communities, on Thursday June 6, the commemorative message detailing the famous cross-channel invasion of Europe in the summer of 1944.

On the day, and accompanied by a contingent from the Llangollen branch of the Royal British Legion, he will stand in Centenary Square and at 11am cry out the proclamation which has been specially penned for the occasion by Christian Ashdown of the Ancient and Honourable Guilds of Town Criers who formerly served with the Household Cavalry.

The criers taking part come from every nation of the UK and also from countries right across the globe.

Chem, who is one of only 10 from Wales and will officially represent Denbighshire, said: “I was absolutely delighted and very proud to hear I had been chosen for this momentous occasion which commemorates such an important part of world history.

“To speak these historic words is a great honour.”

The proclamation he will deliver is:

“Oyez, Oyez, Oyez

“Today we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France - an incredible achievement in military planning and logistics uniting brave service personnel from air, sea and land forces at the beginning of Operation Overlord.

“By the day’s end, over one hundred and fifty thousand Allied troops had successfully stormed the now famous Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah and Omaha beaches to achieve a toehold in France.

“In the weeks that followed, the Allies fought bitterly against a determined foe from the unforgiving countryside of Normandy to the liberation of Paris two months later.

“We should all remember and never forget the selfless sacrifice and courage of all those involved and use this Commemoration to pay our tribute to those who gave so much to secure the freedom we all enjoy today. God Save the King!”

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