Thursday, May 23, 2024

Town council elects new mayor and deputy

* New mayor - Cllr Aled Morris.

Llangollen Town Council has announced the election of Councillor Aled Morris as the new Town Mayor. 

Councillor Morris has been an active member of the council and has championed numerous causes aimed at improving the quality of life for residents. 

His election as mayor is seen as a testament to his commitment to public service and his vision for a progressive and inclusive community.

He said: "I am deeply honoured to have been elected as Town Mayor and I look forward to working closely with my colleagues on the council, as well as with our wonderful residents, to address the challenges we face and to seize the opportunities ahead. Together, we can make Llangollen an even better place to live, work, and visit."

Cllr Morris will be supported by Councillor Damon Richards-Gwilliam, who has been appointed as Deputy Town Mayor.

* New deputy mayor - Cllr Damon Richards-Gwilliam.

It's a landmark moment for the Town Council as he is the youngest person ever to hold such a post and is said to bring a unique perspective and a dynamic approach which will greatly benefit the council and the town as a whole.


Cllr Richards-Gwilliam said: "I am thrilled to take on this new role and to support Councillor Morris in his vision for our town. This is a significant milestone, not just for me personally, but for all young people in our community. It shows that age is no barrier to making a meaningful impact."


Town clerk Gareth Thomas said: "The Town Council is confident that the combined leadership of Councillor Morris and Councillor Richards-Gwilliam will usher in a period of positive transformation ensure that the voices of all residents are heard and valued."

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