Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Items from the past found under church floor

* Items found under the floor including glass, lead, nails and a 1919 coin.

Genesis Project Manager Sue Evans along with engineers, an archaeologist, and the church’s architect Duncan Sanderson recently visited St Collen's to closely inspect the void beneath the timber platform holding the pews as part of the on-going re-ordering.

Chris Williams, from Heneb, Clwyd-Powys Archaeology https://www.facebook.com/cpatarchaeology said: “The visit was necessary to develop a design specification for the proposed heating system, the removal of some of the pews and relocation of the font.

“Seven trial holes were opened in the oak flooring of the platform to test different areas.

“The findings from the day show that the base below the platform throughout the church consisted of a compacted lime mortar-rich soil with a combination of mortared stone debris and wood shavings, likely from the construction and subsequent modifications to the timber platform.”

Sue was later able to show members of the congregation some of the items found under the flooring, which included Victorian glass and lead from the windows, Victorian nails and tiles and a coin dating from 1919.

* Expert inspection under the pew area.

The results from the day will enable the project to design a new heating system for the church.
This is just a small part of the much larger project to create a community space within the building, the money for which has been provided by the Heritage Fund and will include the provision of a toilet and kitchen in the church.

Sue added: “We will soon be undertaking some community events which will enable us to research the rich history of the building. So if you would like to be involved with these events then please do get in touch with us.”

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