Friday, April 21, 2023

Llanblogger invited to Downing Street reception

* Phil Robinson, left, with Simon Baynes MP outside 10 Downing Street. On

Llanblogger's Phil Robinson was at 10 Downing Street earlier this week to attend a reception for Local Media Champions hosted by Lucy Frazer MP, Secretary of State for Culture, the Media and Sport, where he was met by Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes, who is her Parliamentary Private Secretary.

Said Phil: "It was a most unexpected but very welcome acknowledgement of my work in local journalism over many years including founding and running Llangollen's news blog since 2012.

"Taking a look inside that amazing building was also a memorable experience.

"There was a large number of members of the local media present from all parts of the country and representing all sections from local weekly newspapers to regional radio station and, of course, news bloggers like myself. 

"The Secretary of State was glowing in her praise of the local media who she said play an essential role in the democratic process of the country by keeping their readers informed of what their respective MPs are doing both in their constituencies and Parliament."   

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