Monday, October 24, 2022

New Rotary club collects first unwanted bras for recycling

* Llangollen Co-op's Mandy Hughes with the bras collected there.

* David Gough and the bra collection at Llangollen Nisa store.

The new Vale of Llangollen Rotary has collected its first unloved, ill-fitting unwanted bras from the Co-Op and the Nisa (Stans) supermarkets in town.

Both stores have been hosting pink Against Breast Cancer Bra Bank bins near the doors where the underwear can be deposited. 

The Rotary club says it doesn't matter what condition the bra is in but they need it to be laundered. 

The initiative aims to keep these valuable textiles out of landfill, helps support the Against Breast Cancer charity in the UK and also families in Africa.

The collected bras will go to a recycling company in the UK to get sorted and baled to start a new life in Africa such as Togo, Ghana and Kenya.

Here the bales are bought by the African women to support small businesses for the women to help their families by selling them on local markets.

Rotary says new bras are impossibly expensive to make and buy in places like Africa. 

One of the unexpected gains of the initiative, now that these bras are affordable in town markets, is that more women are now wearing bras and sexual assault has gone down.

Many of the bras are resalable as they are. Some are taken apart by the African women and remade as cottage industries. The ones that are not reusable in the sorting process in the UK are broken down and recycled as cotton waste and metal. 

Against Breast Cancer have teamed up with a UK recycling company who help small businesses in Africa. The recycling company are donating £700 to cancer research for every tonne of bras collected, 

Vale of Llangollen Rotary is ready to welcome individuals and couples of 18+ from the local community who want to be “people of action”.  

A spokesperson said: "We normally meet face-to-face, at the Liberty Tavern, 20 Market Street, Llangollen on Monday evenings at 7.30pm and meet in the bar. Alternatively, people can join the meeting from wherever they are via our Zoom account connection."

* The club has another introductory meeting at Liberty Tavern tonight (Monday) starting at 7.30pm.

Guest Eiri Jones will make a presentation on the importance of soil, and how healthy soil is part of the solution to the challenges we face as a global community. And how we as conscious human beings can be part of the solution. 

* For more information on what their new style of Rotary has to offer contact Mike Lade on 07803 038858, or see

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