Sunday, December 13, 2020

Campaigner puts case for convenient recycling facility

The Llangollen resident leading the campaign, backed by a petition, to have a permanent recycling facility people from this area can use has explained why he thinks a conveniently located centre is so important.

Phil Jones said:  "Can you guess what the picture above is?

"It's an example of fly tipping. Why do people do such things you may wonder? Well, one reason is that they value their own convenience over and above the environment and the countryside in which they live.

"When all convenience is effectively removed from our ability to recycle, then more people will choose the easy option and throw their rubbish over the nearest convenient embankment.

"It happens on the Gwernant and on the Panorama, and it's the council, - you the ratepayer - who picks up the bill for clearing up the mess.

"The example pictured was found in Denbighshire this week and thankfully not in the Dee Valley AONB.

"In the Dee Valley we have been deprived of convenient access to a proper recycling facility for nearly a year now, and that’s why we have launched our campaign for access to the Plas Madoc recycling site.

"You may have already signed our petition, but we need as many people to sign it as possible. So, we urge you to get like-minded friends and family to sign it too.

"You can sign the online petition by clicking this link:
"We are now up to 443 signatories and still growing. Paper petitions are available as an alternative in Watkin & Williams, Gwyn the Butcher , Lilly Rose and Fouzi’s."

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