Monday, August 17, 2020

Town councillors embrace the green agenda

* Town councillors Sheena Grindley and 
Austin Cheminais give some attention to one of the planters.

A group of local councillors have been helping to make the town centre look a little more colourful

Because of lockdown Derwen College students, who usually take care of the planters and troughs in and around Castle Street, couldn’t to do their usual summer planting.

Town councillor Austin Cheminais, who is also the town crier, explained: "We noticed a few weeks ago that they were looking pretty neglected and needed some attention.

"Derwen College were able to supply some plants but as it is not fully operative couldn’t plant them.

"Myself and my wife Jane along with my fellow town councillors Sheena Grindley and our newly co-opted member John Palmer took on the task and were out over a couple of days.

"Hopefully, the planting should provide an attractive display well into next year."

He added: "It’s been a very pleasant couple of days chatting and catching up with friends and local residents some of whom we’ve not seen since lockdown started way back in March.

"Both residents and tourists alike were pleased to see the planters and troughs getting some attention."

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