Friday, August 7, 2020

St Collen's to re-open for services on August 30

St Collen's Church is to re-open following the lockdown later this month.
On its Facebook site, the Llangollen Group of Anglican Churches, it says: "We are pleased to announce, that as part of the Amber Phase of re-opening churches for public worship, we are able to open the doors of St Collen’s church on Sunday 30th August.
"As previously mentioned, this will be a staged process for our group of churches as is the case across the Church in Wales and other Mission Areas.
"There will be one celebration of the Mass at 11am at St Collen’s each Sunday from the 30th. At this stage, we do not know when our other churches will be able to re-open.
"The service on the 30th, ‘Re-Opening the Doors’, will reflect on the mixed feelings of grief, loss, thanksgiving and renewal that many have experienced during the start of the Covid pandemic. If you would like to share your lockdown story during the service, please contact Fr Lee. The service will begin with a short liturgy outdoors (weather permitting) and then it will proceed with a joyful entry into the church.
"As we are not allowed to sing, we can, however, shake a tambourine or ring a handbell! If you have these, please bring them with you.
"There will be clear instructions given at the start of the service and there will be hand-santizing stations and signage around the church to guide your movements and indicate where you are able to sit.
"Please bring a face-covering/mask with you. Someone will be available to take a temperature check before you enter the building. If you have a temperature then you will be advised to go home. This measure is for the safety of everyone.
"Communion will be received in one kind (bread only). You are advised to sanitize your hands before receiving the host. It might be a good idea to bring a pocket-size hand sanitizer with you. You will be invited to receive communion from the front step of the Chancel in front of the iron screen (the chancel will be out-of-bounds). You must form a single line down the central nave aisle whilst observing the 2-metre physical distancing rule. Please return to your seats via the side aisles.
"There will be no sharing the Peace in the traditional way and, as I mentioned above, there will be no singing. Refreshments will not be served after the service.
"Services will continue to be live-streamed via Facebook for those who do not feel they are ready or well enough to gather together with others. Please remember that you do not need to be signed up to Facebook to watch these services. It just means that, if you do not have a Facebook profile, you cannot watch the services ‘live’ but you can watch them once the service has ended and been saved on the page."

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