Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Social distancing signs to go up in town this week

* Signs urging people to observe social distancing
will go up this week, says the area's Senedd Member.

Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South Ken Skates says signs urging people in Llangollen to adhere to social distancing will be put up in the town centre this week.  

Mr Skates contacted Denbighshire County Council’s chief executive on Monday after receiving emails from concerned local residents over the weekend. 

This week Llangollen councillors Austin Cheminais and Mel Mile have also been out in the town centre encouraging people to sign a petition urging the council to urgently put in place social distancing measures along Castle Street. 

Mr Skates said: “I had a number of emails over the weekend from residents who are concerned about the number of people not distancing and acting as if the rules put in place to keep us all safe don’t apply to them. 

"I know there are a lot of other people who share their concerns and I applaud what our local councillors have been doing this week. I’d also like to thank Cllr Graham Timms, who I know has raised this issue a number of times with Denbighshire. 

“I raised this urgently with the chief executive of Denbighshire County Council first thing on Monday morning and asked for more signs to be placed in and around the town to remind people of their responsibilities.

"I’m pleased that these will now be installed this week and I’m grateful to the chief executive for responding to me so quickly and positively.” 

Cllr Austin Cheminais said: “We’ve had more than 100 people sign letters to the council in three mornings, so I’m glad Denbighshire is now going to do something.

“The Welsh Government, scientists and health experts have repeatedly said how important social distancing is in preventing the spread of coronavirus. I’m pleased we have been able to make a difference and look forward to the signs going up as soon as possible followed by widening of the pavements to make the town centre safer.”

Mr Skates added: “It’s important to remember that coronavirus hasn’t gone away. The pandemic remains first and foremost a public health crisis and the Welsh Government’s priority from the outset has been to preserve lives. We have been cautiously reopening businesses and towns, but we can only continue to do so if everyone does their bit and follows the rules.” 

In response to Mr Skates, county council chief executive Judith Greenhalgh said: “Social distancing signage is due to be introduced in Llangollen town centre at the end of this week. 
“Please note that we also have proposals to temporarily widen the pavement on Castle Street through the removal of the on-street parking. 

"This proposal is being funded by the WG Covid 19 Sustainable Transport grant and has recently been consulted upon. We are currently reviewing the consultation responses before a final decision on whether to proceed with the project is made. 
“Over recent weeks we have been deploying officers in each of our towns to help provide guidance for businesses and to keep an eye on social distancing problems on pavements, with a view to developing solutions where problems are occurring. Understandably the start of the school summer holidays has seen a big increase in visitor numbers. 
“We will speak to our colleagues at North Wales Police to raise concerns about the issues of members of the public not adhering to social distancing and not practising good hygiene.” 

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