Monday, July 20, 2020

Two more Llan festivals become Covid casualties

* One of the attractions from a previous
Steampunk Spectacular.

The coronavirus crisis has led to the cancellation of two more major festivals planned for Llangollen’s Royal International Pavilion this year.

The organiser of the Cogwarts Steampunk Spectacular posted on Facebook: “I regret to announce this year's Cogwarts Steampunk Spectacular has been postponed to 2021.

“I had hoped to hear from the venue in June, but as I understand it, they have not been told anything about opening by Denbighshire Council, who in turn are still waiting to hear from the Welsh Assembly.

“I was told that if they did open, the toilets would remain closed and that would just create too many problems.

“I cannot see how we could possibly observe social distancing on the train, or at the evening events, (both nights) and that just leaves the Bizarre Bazaar (without loos). So, rather than present a pale, stripped back version of Coggies, let's go full-throttle next year, shall we?

“Unlike my Faery Festival, many steampunks are, 'of an age' to be a little more vulnerable to the pandemic and the thought of anyone getting sick or even dying of Covid-19 after attending Cogwarts is unbearable - and would see the end of this event.

“I hope you understand I have done my best and I have only taken this step to safeguard our beloved Cogwarts in the hope it can run for many more years.

“All stallholder fees automatically transfer, and even if there is the annual rise in venue rental, I guarantee you will not have to pay a penny more.

“The stress of having to make this decision alongside postponing the Faery Festival with so much conflicting information, (go to work unless you can stay at home, lockdown easing, schools in or out, lockdown in Leicestershire, second wave or not), has resulted in me having a stroke at a relatively young age.

“I now have a year to recover and both myself and dear old Cogwarts will be back, better than ever next year.”

And Peter Stubbs, organiser of the popular Red Dragon music festival, posted: “Just to let all you Dragons know that we have had to postpone till 21-23rd May 2021, all tickets will transfer over to the 2021 event.”

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