Thursday, January 9, 2020

Make more recycling your resolution, says county

Denbighshire County Council is asking residents to make 2020 the year to recycle more ahead of major changes to waste and recycling collections being introduced next year.

A series of initiatives have already been introduced in parts of the county, to encourage people to get prepared for the new waste and recycling collections that will provide residents with:

§  a new weekly collection for recyclables such as paper, glass, cans, and plastic
§  a weekly collection for food waste
§  a new fortnightly collection for clothes and small electrical items
§  a four weekly collection of non-recyclable waste
The aim is to encourage more recycling on top of the council’s current rates (64%) to meet the Welsh Government’s 70% target by 2025, with an expectancy that the target will rise to 80% in future.
If residents use the recycling service correctly, it should only result in a minimal amount of residual waste being created, the council says.  

It is therefore proposing to change the collection of non-recyclable waste to every four weeks for the majority of households.

Residents would be issued with a  bigger black bin if they need one, but overall, households would have more capacity each week for managing their waste than they have with our current service, the council believes.  

The new weekly recycling service (using a stacking recycling trolley) will provide more capacity for recycling when compared to the current fortnightly collection with the blue wheelie bin, it adds.  

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Highways, Planning and Sustainable Travel, said:  “We want to thank the county’s residents for their recycling efforts to date.  

"Denbighshire is one of the UK’s highest recyclers but the goal posts are changing and we expect recycling rates to be a lot more stringent in future. That is why we need to work together now, ahead of the changes coming in next year, to encourage more people to recycle even more than they are doing now.

“We want to work with communities to understand their recycling behaviours and we are introducing a series of initiatives aimed at focusing more on recycling over the coming 12 months. There will also be lot of engagement going on and information being shared across the county, so watch this space."

* For further details about recycling in Denbighshire, please visit:

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