Saturday, January 18, 2020

Christmas quiz: the winners and answers

Judy Smith of the Llangollen Committee for Cancer Research UK has given details of the winners of and answers to its latest Christmas quiz. 

She said: "Very many thanks to everyone who supported Cancer Research UK through the 2019 Christmas quiz.  We are delighted to say that a record sum of £808.70 was raised."

The results are: 

= 1st     Linda Sutton of Upton, Wirral (50 points)
= 2nd    The Hindle family of Newport, South Wales (49 1/2 points)
            Richard and Margaret Campbell of Northampton (49 1/2 points)
            Simon Proffitt of Llangollen (49 1/2 points)
            Keith and Pat Campbell of Brafield-on-the-Green (49 1/2 points)
            Jon Proffitt of Whitwell (49 1/2 points) 

Very close behind came Frances Hartley of Oswestry and Keith Stacey of Newport with 49 points, and Jane Hurle of Llangollen, Gaynor Answer of Milton Keynes, Mike Hough of Wrexham and Adrian Farrel of Llangollen with 48 1/2.  

Judith added: "Our heartiest congratulations to all those, and to everyone who took part.  As you can see, we have entrants from all over the country.

"We hope you enjoyed the quiz and that you will make sure to get a copy of the 2020 edition, which should, as ever, be published on December 1st."

Quiz answers

Section 1  :  The answers to all these cryptic clues are tools or household implements.  For example  :  Peg for invoices (8) = Billhook

1          Gain information in seconds (6)                                 SHEARS       
2          Vodka and Orange (11)                                              SCREWDRIVER      
3          Training discipline (5                                                  DRILL
4          Change the coffee temperature to hot              (5)                  LATHE                      
5          Mike Pence without Donald Trump (4)                      VICE             
6          Punch-up about an old hair style (7)                           BRADAWL  
7          Minor athletics event  (5)                                            BRACE         
8          Little shopping precinct?  (6)                                      MALLET                   
9          Bribed to cause upset  (6)                                           DIBBER                    
10        Seize control without greeting  (4)                             JACK 
11        A former lover returns  (3)                                          AXE   
12        Scorn over a bike race  (7)                                          MATTOCK   
13        Chesty complications  (6)                                            SCYTHE       
14        Hare without the film  (5)                                           LEVER
15        Swiss lies confounded  (6)                                          CHISEL         
16        Mad women lawyers lack positive response (9)         LAWNMOWER       
17        Mother visits Switzerland before a summer in France  (7)  MACHETE
18        Disorganised life  (4)                                                  FILE  
19        In aid of a thousand  (4)                                             FORK            
20        Row of fleshy fruit?  (5,4)                                          PLUMB LINE                       
21        Sounds of many languages  (5)                                   TONGS                      
22        Providers don’t eat meal  (6)                                      PLIERS         
23        Hot indicator (6)                                                         HARROW
24        Aiming right into the dryer  (8,6)                            POINTING TROWEL 
25        Flip the tonic (3)                                                         HOD                          

Section 2  :  The clues here all refer to jobs, occupations, or professions  e.g. I get involved in a scheme (5) = Pilot

26        Expensive French drink  (7)                                        TEACHER    
27        Quiet tramp  (7)                                                          PLUMBER                
28        Bomb vehicle  (5)                                                        VICAR                      
29        Sounds bigger!  (6)                                                     GROCER      
30        Agony on a French train (7)                                        PAINTER                  
31        Mixed soil in a tin box  (7)                                          COALMAN  
32        Fish go this way  (9)                                                   CARPENTER
33        Copper wire  (9)                                                          CONDUCTOR          
34        German chemist meets a reindeer  (11)                       HABERDASHER
35        Unfeminine queen  (7)                                                BUTCHER    
36        He looks after the edges  (4,7)                                    BANK MANAGER  
37        7pm and a penny in the shop  (9)                                STEVEDORE                       
38        Haggle around the finish  (9)                                      BARTENDER           
39        Original wise man needs books  (9)                            NEWSAGENT
40        Joining pressure  (10)                                                  SEAMSTRESS   
Section 3  :  The testing one!  The first 5 clues below are the titles of well-known books or plays, the second 5 are pieces of classical music.  Each one contains the name of a tool or household implement.  Be careful – it may not be in the context you think!
e.g. T_ _  Q _ _ _ _  O _  S _ _ _ _ _  =  The Queen of Spades (by Tchaikovsky, but you don’t need to give the composer or author, we assume you know it!)

41        I _ _ _  I _  T _ _  S _ _ _                    IRON IN THE SOUL (Jean-Paul Sartre)
42        M _ _ _ _ _ _  F _ _  M _ _ _ _ _ _     MEASURE FOR MEASURE (William Shakespeare)
43        T _ _  I _ _ _ _ _ _  F _ _ _                 THE IPCRESS FILE (Len Deighton)
44        T _ _  R _ _ _ _ _  E _ _ _                   THE RAZOR’S EDGE (W Somerset Maugham)
45        P _ _ _ _  P _ _                                    PETER PAN (J M Barrie)
46        N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   S _ _ _ _             NUTCRACKER SUITE (Tchaikovsky)
47        B _ _ _ _ _  O _  G _ _ _ _  B _ _ _ _BALLAD OF GREEN BROOM (Benjamin Britten)
48        T _ _  R _ _ _ _  P _ _ _ _ _ _ _          THE RAKE’S PROGRESS (Stravinsky)
49        R _ _ _ _ : H _ _   D _ _ _                  RODEO : HOE DOWN (Aaron Copland)
50        T _ _  L _ _ _  S _ _ _ _ _                   THE LAST SPRING (Grieg)

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