Sunday, October 20, 2019

MP explains her position on yesterday's Commons vote

* Susan Elan Jones MP. 

Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones has explained why she was among those who voted for the "Letwin amendment" and not Boris Johnson's Brexit deal in Parliament yesterday.

"I know many constituents were watching BBC Parliament on Saturday - and I was delighted to receive so much feedback locally over the last few days. I am doing my best to respond to each email and letter individually.

"A constituent made the point very well: 'The Tories are saying that people are fed up with delays and that’s why they should vote for it, I feel that it doesn’t matter how long it takes we should not vote for a bad deal which this is, let’s not forget that Bluster Boris voted against it twice'.

"A couple of right-wing Tory MPs also let the cat out of the bag when they said they were voting with Johnson because they’d been assured it would ultimately lead to a Crash Out Brexit.

"The Letwin amendment protects against that. We know that Johnson and his ilk support fewer employment protections - and I am concerned by that. Having met with local farming representatives on Friday, I have renewed concerns about deals that would see massive tariffs imposed on local farmers for access to their current markets. I am also troubled about the creation of a border in the Irish Sea.

"In addition, whether my constituents are Hard Brexiteers, convinced Remainers or somewhere in between, I am firmly of the view the decision must belong to them - not just the politicians - in a confirmatory referendum."

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