Friday, February 9, 2018

Third Llangollen Round Challenge planned for June

The third annual Llangollen Round Challenge in aid of Cancer Research UK will be staged over the weekend of June 2 and 3.

The Challenge is to walk 35 miles over either one or two days.  But since that 35 miles takes in every summit around the Vale of Llangollen, this is definitely no stroll in the park.

A spokesperson for the organisers said: "On the positive side, we will do everything we can to help you achieve your goal. 

"The route is very well marked out, there will be lots of marshals on the course, with five checkpoints in the hills carrying water and refreshments, and a medal, certificate, and more food waiting for you at the end.  

"When we last held the Challenge in 2015 we had around 400 walkers who raised a total of £45,000 for Cancer Research UK.  Our aim this time is to have 500 walkers (and entries so far are looking that way) and raise £50,000. 
"The Challenge may be tough but with so many taking part, it’s also fun.  We have walkers from all over the country (Dorset to East Anglia – so far no-one from Scotland!), but it would be very good to see Llangollen well-represented. 

"So if you are thinking about it – why not go ahead now?  You will get fit (try Llangollen Leisure Centre’s special ‘Challenge Course’), see some splendid local scenery you never knew existed, and earn some money for a more-than-worthwhile cause.  S

"So the gauntlet has been thrown down!  The very best of luck to all those who dare pick it up and enter this prestigious event."  

* For all the information you might need, including an entry form, go to  

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