Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weather stays fine for Plas Newydd Garden Fete

* Plas Newydd field was full of fun activities during the Garden Fete.

Scores of people came flocking to the annual Garden Fete held at Plas Newydd yesterday (Saturday).

The event was organised by members of Llangollen Rotary Club, Inner Wheel Club and the newly-formed Dee Valley Rotary Club.

Llangollen Silver Band played selections, while youngsters were entertained by Punch and Judy, face painting  and a treasure hunt.              

People also had the chance to try their skills at various games and competitions.
There were numerous stalls, including home-made cakes and a plant stall.
A tea tent provided a range of refreshments.
Announcements were made by town crier Chem Cheminais.

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