Wednesday, January 28, 2015

County aims to keep children safer online

Denbighshire County Council is encouraging schools to join in with this international event to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people

Safer Internet Day (SID) has been running for the past 11 years and there is a wealth of information and practical advice available for young people to be able to learn how to stay safe when using the internet and social media. There are also a wide variety of teaching resources available for schools to use to help children and young people think and act sensibly and safely online.

Denbighshire's cabinet Lead member for Education, Councillor Eryl Williams, explained: "Over the last decade, the internet and social media have become an integral part of our lives and we are using this technology for everything from work to socialising with friends.

"We all know the internet can be a fantastic tool for us but there are also risks involved and we need to make sure our children and young people know how to keep themselves safe online.

"I would encourage all of our schools to take a look at the resources available and use them to work with our young people to give them the best and safest foundations as they venture online."

How to get involved

There are a number of resources available (in Welsh & English) for schools on the website including
·        Posters
·        Lesson plans
·        Quick activities
·        Assembly scripts
·        Parent packs

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