Monday, September 22, 2014

Man fined after littering in town

Littering the streets of Denbighshire could cost you a fortune, as one man found to his detriment.

The council issued a fixed penalty notice to a resident for dropping litter in Llangollen.

The man failed to pay the £75 notice and was taken to court.  

At his hearing at Wrexham Magistrates Court, the man was issued with a fine of £700, with £145 in costs.

The council says it hopes that this will act as a deterrent to other people to think twice before they drop litter.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “Litter is a really anti-social form of behaviour and residents tell us that it is a problem that they want to see us addressing.

“Denbighshire has some of the cleanest streets in Wales but our efforts to rid our streets of rubbish is hampered by a small group of individuals who think it is right to drop litter on our streets.

“The courts are also now taking a tough stance on littering and this man was given a serious fine for his actions. We would rather not issue any fines at all and our appeal is for people not to drop their rubbish in the first place.”

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