Sunday, August 10, 2014

Can you help Support Your High Street campaign?

As part of the Support Your High Street campaign, the Welsh Government is launching High Street Week from September 20-27.

The campaign is aimed at encouraging partners, local businesses and communities to support their local high streets and rediscover the benefits of shopping locally.

Golley Slater has been appointed to develop a PR campaign to help boost the week and says it needs the help of people in Llangollen to highlight the most engaging local stories it can use to promote the campaign nationally.

The PR team says people can get involved by:

* Sharing the Support Your High Street Wales Facebook posts on their own social media - visit Your High Street Wales.

* Sending through any interesting photos you have of your high street to be shared on the campaign Facebook page.

* Holding events during campaign week, such as shops lending their front window to local students for them to dress it for the week.

* Sending in interesting stories you have that might attract interest from the local or national media, such as a high street hero – a local business owner or employee who is a real character and regularly goes the extra mile to ensure their customers get the best possible service, or the third/fourth/fifth generation shop owner or a store/business that has been on your high street for more  than 50 years.

* Giving details of any new start-up businesses that are doing something different or newsworthy.

If you think you can help, email the team at Golley Slater at 

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