Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Banners on the A5 aim to promote the town

* Promotional banners will be fitted to lampposts down the A5 near
 the lights by the chamber. 

Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism is to spend £2,000 on installing promotional banners in the town centre. 

However, half of this sum will be come from Denbighshire County Council. 

The chamber believes it will help boost tourism to the town if promotional banners are fixed to lampposts along the main A5 route through Llangollen and in the shopping  thoroughfare of Castle Street. 

After checking out the cost, chair John Palmer reported back to members at their meeting in the Hand Hotel on Monday night that 20 banners will cost about £2,000 to produce and hang from poles fitted to lampposts.  

They will bear a welcome message to potential tourists and the chamber gave the go-ahead for a designer to come up with ideas for how they will actually look. 

A representative of the county council at the meeting said Denbighshire would contribute £1,000 towards the cost of the exercise. 

John Palmer said: “People have said the town is looking a little tired, so this will brighten it up a bit.”

1 comment:

  1. Great, but I wonder if they have checked with the trunk road agency / DCC highways who control signage on the trunk road?
