Monday, November 12, 2012

Letter to llanblogger over Sainsbury's plan

Your High Street:

Sainsbury's have got their planning permission to build an out of town store on the print works site. Both supporters and objectors and the developer accepted that the new store would do harm to our existing small businesses in the high street. The only debate was, how much harm? Everyone, including Sainsbury supporters agreed that if permission was to be granted, then conditions should be applied to ensure that our existing traders did not get put out of business by a retail giant like Sainsbury.

Well, we now know what conditions have been imposed, and because of ambiguous wording in the conditions, despite all the noble words of those who spoke up in defence of our existing businesses, we find that Sainsbury can have its own in-house butcher, and its own delicatessen. Oh, and by the way; they have submitted another planning application to try to get permission for a cafe; which they failed to get first time around.

I have two questions. Who neglected their duty in failing to ensure that the resolution of the planning committee was not translated into conditions that would properly protect the traders in our town centre? Perhaps they would care to respond  to explain why at a time when every high street in Britain is under threat, they have chosen not to to use established planning policies to protect ours?

Phil Jones

Tyn Dwr


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