Wednesday, November 28, 2012

AMs speak out about mental health issues

Two Assembly Members who represent Llangollen have shared their experiences of mental health issues ahead of a debate about stigma and discrimination.

* Llyr Huws Gruffydd AM.
Labour’s Ken Skates, who represents Clwyd South, and North Wales Plaid Cyrmu member Llyr Huws Gruffydd are among four AMs who have revealed facing problems with anxiety and depression and have written about them on the Time to Change Wales website which aims to alter attitudes.
One in four people think those with mental health issues should not hold office, research by the site found.
* Ken Skates AM.
The Time for Change Wales campaign was set up to try to end negative associations with mental health as well as discrimination faced by those who experience it.
The assembly debate was prompted by the group's research, which reported one in ten people saying they did not think those with mental health problems should have children.
For some of the AMs, it is the first time they have disclosed their illnesses to family or friends.
It was through writing his blog that North Wales Plaid Cymru AM Llyr Huws Gruffydd found the courage to tell his parents he had    suffered from depression nearly 10 years previously, which he had come through with support from his community mental health team.
Clwyd South Labour AM Ken Skates' says his first encounter with generalised anxiety disorder came during his first week at Cambridge University, although he was not diagnosed with the condition for several years.

Mr Skates' account can be seen at:

1 comment:

  1. Even now in 2012 Mental Health is misunderstood. More openness about the many conditions people can suffer during their lifetime with mental health , can only be a good thing.
