Tuesday, September 11, 2012

llanblogger questions future of Oakleigh House

* The future of Oakleigh House is still unclear.
Llanblogger recently lodged a Freedom of Information request with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) seeking clarification of its future intentions for Oakleigh House, the now-empty former mental health resource centre in Abbey Road.

We did this because the property has frequently been mentioned in connection with proposals for a general health shake-up in the area. 

Unfortunately, the very guarded responses to our eight questions, do not shed much light on what the board’s intentions are. 

Here is the basis of the reply from BCUHB:   

Q1: Is Oakleigh House, the now-empty former mental health resource centre situated on Abbey Road, Llangollen, currently in the ownership of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) or any other public organisation and precisely how long has it been empty? 

A: Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) owns Oakleigh House and vacated the building in September 2010.  

Q2: If in the ownership of the BCUHB, does the BCUHB have any plans for its future use for a health-related purpose?  

A: No.  

Q3: If not, is the BCHUB actively seeking to dispose of the property by either sale, lease or rent?  

A: The Health Board is in the process of marketing the property for disposal and are seeking initial advice from our Agent. 

Q4: If the property is already up for sale, lease or rent, what progress has been made to date in this process?  

A: Please see response to question 3.  

Q5. If the property is being offered for sale what is the current asking price?  

A: Please see response to question 3.  

Q6. Have any offers so far been made by any party to buy or lease the property?  

A: Some interest has been expressed. 

Q7. If so, what has been the result of any offers for the property?  

A: Interested parties have been advised of the Boards processes in the identification of surplus sites and given assurance that they will be notified when the property is to be offered for sale.  

Q8. While the property remains in public ownership, what is the annual cost of

maintenance and security to the BCUHB?  

A: £500 per annum.

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