Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Health Minister launches NHS "coversation"

* Llan Cottage Hospital 

The following could interest those fighting to prevent the closure of Llan Cottage Hospital:

Health Minister Lesley Griffiths has today launched a conversation around how the NHS, the public and the Government in Wales can work better together on improving health and health services.
The aim will be to make it easier for people to talk to the NHS and Government and get the information and help they need.
A consultation on a ‘compact’ linking the Welsh Government, the NHS and the public was a commitment in Together for Health, the five year plan for the NHS in Wales.
The consultation is asking people to offer their views to help drive improvements faster. How can services be improved? How can the NHS improve the way it works with communities and offers advice to individuals? Can people be better helped to manage their own health and health problems?
It also raises questions about whether people might do more to help themselves – for example quitting smoking or eating more healthily.
Lesley Griffiths said: “Our five year strategy for the NHS, Together for Health, sets out a vision of creating a Wales where health matches the best anywhere.
“But the NHS cannot do this alone – it can only be achieved where there is a partnership between the health service and the public.
“Of course, there are already many ways in which Government and the NHS and the public exchange ideas, information and views, but I think we can do more and we can do it better.
“This consultation is the start of a new discussion about what are the responsibilities of the Government, the NHS and people across Wales.
“It is about how people can play a greater part in managing their own health and improving health services in Wales, and how the Government and NHS can help that happen.
“To have a health service which is safe and sustainable and meets everyone’s needs as much as possible, we want to hear what people expect from the NHS and how they think the NHS can work with them to protect and improve health.”
The consultation closes on 24 October 2012.

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