Friday, July 13, 2012

Keep Llangollen Special welcomes our blog

lanblogger has just received this message from Mike Edwards, Chair of the Keep Llangollen Special organisation:

Warm Congratulations on launching  "Llanblogger"
One common thread we have discovered as part of our dialogue in creating KLS is an acute lack of communication with the residents of Llangollen. We had a meeting with the Business Support and Tourism Team from Denbighshire Council yesterday and were told about all sorts of initiatives that are in place which we were previously unaware of and are sure other residents are also in the dark about. We are being badly failed by our Town Council who are in the "Dark Ages" as far as communication with the Community is concerned and have their own political agenda for our town.
One of the things we would wish to make clear is that, yes we are opposing the planning applications to redevelop the Dobson and Crowther site for a Sainsbury's supermarket, but OUR PRINCIPAL ROLE is to be a constructive inclusive Partnership to protect the unique vitality and viability of Llangollen Town Centre. We wish to support residents, local businesses - independent shop keepers and local suppliers to help them compete with the large Corporates who suck money out of the local economy and bully suppliers such as farmers into selling their products at cost.
We have so far held two "Buy Local" days and intend to continue this on a monthly based each month being themed, next month it will be cafes, restaurants etc. Could you please publicise this because research has shown that every pound spent locally stays local and is recycled to provide  up to three times it's value to the town locality. Whereas every pound spent in a supermarket disappears to their Corporate HQ to benefit their shareholders and highly paid executives. Our research has also shown that contrary to what supermarkets will have you believe prices in local shops are competitively priced, are often cheaper than in supermarkets and the quality of products like meat, green grocery, bakery is superior and produce is fresher.
We actually fully support the protection and expansion of employment such as is provided by Dobson & Crowther. We feel they are being manipulated by J Ross Ltd of Oswestry who are the speculative Developer trying to put together a complicated deal between D&C, various landowners and Sainsbury's. Ross have no interest in the long term sustainability of Llangollen their only aim is to make a quick buck and disappear having ruined Llangollen Town Centre by building an out-of-town store. Residents will have to use cars or taxis to get to the new supermarket whereas they can currently walk into the town centre to this Spar, Stan's or the Co-op. Think what additional congestion this will cause on the A5 backing up through the Castle Street traffic lights?
Best wishes for the future of the blog.
Mike Edwards
Vice Chair Keep Llangollen Special

1 comment:

  1. I believe ,and please correct me if I am wrong ,my I understanding is that the green space next to the memorial ,
    will be paved. I am informed it is an attempt to great a public square . This little garden is the last green space visible in town, it is a haven ,away from the heavy traffic. Rather than complain about an unimaginative council with more money (our money than sense ) I would suggest ,that before it is dug up for good ,a local competition could be organised to put designs in ,to enhance the area . It is not beyond the realms to imagine pleasant seating ,a safe area for children to run around in ,nice planting and yes green grass. I would suggest that if the wall level was raised ,the garden could be made flatter, allowing for seating .|If a little council feels it does not have to actively involve the public ,it does explain to some extant why politics in general is seen to be, indifferent to the public good .
